Such overwhelming gratitude to David Sye for the amazing Revealing Breathing session.

It was such a profound experience. I really appreciated all the fascinating cosmic wizardry and wisdom in preparation to the practice.
David made me feel super comfortable and I felt as though we were in harmonic resonance almost instantly.
He held an impeccably safe space for deep healing and transformation to occur.
David is clearly a master of the mystery school arts, a fascinating galactic magician full of esoteric knowledge, vitality and elemental energy.

I Feel so blessed to have experienced his generosity of spirit, compassion and kindness to support me in my healing process to gently peel back the layers to reveal more of my souls light. My inner child wept joyously as I returned home to my heart in what felt like such a gentle and tender shift. Upon waking this morning I can feel that the energetic upgrade is still in full force as I feel exceptionally grounded and at the same time deliciously expansive.

David’s unique ability to fuse his eastern teachings, cultural influences and artistic flare into one almighty offering is like nothing I have experienced before. A thousand blessings to the Mystical Magician that is David Sye in this life time, Thankyou for all that you do for our planet, we are truely blessed to have your warrior presence to guide, protect and serve us in our ascension process whilst our great mother goddess Gaia goes through hers.

Eternal Love and Deepest gratitude
Kwali 💜🐍💜

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Yogabeats | Yogabeats - Om Yoga Show - Friday 18th October

Yogabeats - Om Yoga Show - Friday 18th October

October 18, 2024

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Yogabeats | The story of Freya
David 25 · The Story Of Freyer Part 1 inspired weaving together of original storytelling and a backdrop of crafted musical compositions.… about the interdimensional adventures of a magical young girl named  Freya..… sit back and Relax.

What people have said about 'Freya'

David I love it and Dave I love the music 🎼!!!!! You both are connected so deeply with the light hidden in mother Gaia. The name Freyer is perfectly chosen! The Dragons, the tiny man knocking with the music pointing it out and and and … a master piece as we would say in German. Can’t wait to hear part 2. It touched me to tears, it delighted me, it gives hope and the feeling of beeing home. Thank you 2 beautiful souls, you are such an inspiration for all who can still be inspired. XXXXXXXXXXXxxxxxxxxxxxx Love you for your beeing, for beeing my tribe, for inspiring this strange world ☀️☀️☀️

Emmie-Belle, my 9yr old granddaughter is intrigued by the story. Her imagination is lit up! She thinks she is Freya. 👌 Lovely story x
(Above from Belfast N Ireland)

Oh I love it!! It’s utterly beautiful! And you read it so brilliantly - it gave me goosebumps as I was listening to it 💚 I think it would be suitable for lots of different age groups as even if younger children don’t understand every word consciously, they would 100% understand the energy & hear the message behind it. Similarly, adults are only children who have been around a bit longer! & we all love to hear about the magic we’ve been taught to forget. I thought it was absolutely wonderful. The only bit that I might have a question about was the beetle crown & caterpillars around the necks, only because it could be construed as a perpetuation of using other animals in some way (the very concept that has brought humans to this point!) but of course, it could always be a consensual thing, which is alluded to by Freya’s gentle delight in watching the beetles crawl over her hands. That was the only thing that occurred to me, but I thought it was absolutely wonderful! Are you going to do more? Just beautiful 🙏💚 Sending you so much love xxxxxxxxxxxxx
(Above from The Retreat Animal Rescue Centre Kent)

Oh David...what a lovely it! With so much meaning of course! I like the musical backdrop as well...I think it all works well together! Am honoured you sought my opinion.....but well done you!💕x
(Above from North Wales)

I love it! The descriptive details threaded through really bring it to life and your voice records so beautifully 💛
The track behind it really suits too. I think you could slow the reading down a little, I missed a few little bits and went back to catch what I had missed! ….. I hope there’s a part 2 brewing 😊

Thank you for sharing, honoured x
(From London client Hampstead)

That’s beautiful bro , wow 👏👏👏👏
(Above from student in Worcester)

Oh my gosh David, I love it. I have just sent it to my granddaughter, she is 13.... I'll see what she thinks. I would certainly listen to more…
I love the language, the cadence, the music. Love it all. And your voice is made for that.
I think that's a pretty good review. 🙏🤔

It's so well done. Keep it going. I want to hear the whole story. ❤️
(Above from central Ireland)

Brother! I love your story!!!!! It’s so sweet and whimsical and fun to listen to as I was going to bed! I love fairies and little people are real! My sister sees them…she has since she was little! When we were hiking in the pyrenees last year, she knew when they were around…
Did you write that?! 
I absolutely loved it and need part 2!
I loved your descriptions brother…the women with caterpillars around their necks 😍
My daughter draws and can help you with illustrations, but I’m sure you already have that figured out.
I love the mystical qualities and how the beautiful innocence of a child will be the one to awaken the this world…not some president or Prime Minister! This is brilliant brother!! The way describe it really paints a beautiful picture! I seriously love it so much…even more love your creativity…it’s off the charts!
(From Cathy in New Mexico US)

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Yogabeats | Yogabeats Conflict

Yogabeats was invited out to Israel to perform at several major music and yoga festivals at the end of the 90s...the deal we made was that unless the Israelis also organised Yogabeats classes for the neighboring Palestinian neighbours there was no deal .....after weeks of negotiating.. finally the Israelis agreed ....and thus began an incredible adventure where Yogabeats was able to bring its life affirming magic to both sides of the Middle Eastern conflict and this finally resulted in the first joint yoga class between Palestinians and Israelis in 2006…

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Yogabeats | Introducing The Bendy Years

Here are a variety of iconic yoga postures shot by a photographer friend and student of mine Adam Dawe... at a London studio around the beginning of the millennium ...

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Introducing The Bendy Years image
Introducing The Bendy Years image

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Yogabeats | The Team

David Sye

David is of Russian descent, the son of a scientist mother and an international Artiste/Performer father, Frankie Vaughan. ​

He began his practice of Yoga as a direct result of suffering from ulcerative colitis and a spastic colon.

He discovered Tibetan healers and worked with them, and their healing practices saw that on his return doctors were unable to find the tumours. He felt better than he could ever remember, and this completely changed the course of his life. From then on yoga and Tibetan healing techniques became his life’s focus.

​A rich and varied history..

​In 1990 he moved to Yugoslavia to work as a Radio journalist on a non-political radio station, whilst also teaching Yoga to classes in Belgrade. Circumstances conspired to the point where he found himself caught up in the middle of the Bosnian war. This resulted in the emergence of his own unique practice….YOGABEATS, a style of Yoga, born out of an environment where the possibilities of death and (the stress of this) were always close at hand. He used music to drown out the sound of the conflict, both “overt” and “covert”.

​On his return it took some perseverance before the British Yoga community started to appreciate and accept his radical approach to Yoga. Initially in the media they called him the bad boy of yoga, and that he had destroyed 5000 years of yoga tradition, these same groups now invite him to teach across the UK.

In 1997 he met his late teacher Clara Buck, and studied with her to the end of her life in 2004. She was a student of Krishnamacharya, BKS Iyengar, and a close friend of Vanda Scaravelli, some of he students include Angela Farmer and Shandor Remete.

​A dedication to using yoga for peace

​David’s Past projects include his ground breaking “urban” Yogabeats work, notably with Glasgow street youth in the infamous Easter house district – alongside his work with the International Group ‘Youth at Risk’, an extraordinary and effective combination of Yogabeats working in tandem with psychologists and social workers.

He is also internationally known for his work with Palestinians in the West Bank which began in 2004, and was responsible for bringing together for the first time, both sides of this Middle East conflict for a Yoga class in 2006, “without which” as David says, ” a single politician or member of the U.N. was needed to be present. It was just pure humanity inspired by the ancient practice of Yoga. David’s YOGA BEATS CONFLICT fund was born in 2011, and the work continues today with further meetings between the Palestinians and Israelis, and the Yogabeats Foundation Teacher training project in Palestine, thanks to very generous donations from the public in the UK and abroad.

​The hear and now

​David is based in London though teaches across the world. His passion and excitement for his work arises out of the fact that the practise and theory behind Yogabeats is not only a model for transformation through yoga, but a system where men and women are given the tools to maintain the transformation, so they can go on to realise their life’s full potentiality taking the techniques out to their communities.

The same can be said for revealing breathing – this rebirthing technique is something David is passionate about now more than ever as this timeless unique healing is more important now than ever.

​His work in the Community at home and Internationally is developing a life of its own, and is now recognised and acknowledged by peace makers, and at governmental level. Yoga Beats Conflict is supported by His Holiness The Dhalai Lama.

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Yogabeats | Contact and Payment

To contact David please use the contact form below or you can email directly to

Please send all booking payments to:


Name: Yogabeats
A/c: 93416291
Sort code: 20-76-90
International IBAN: GB18 BUKB 20769093416291


Yogabeats - Om Yoga Show - Friday 18th October

October 18, 2024

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Yogabeats | Revealing Breathing

What is it?

A combination of Tibetan Re-birthing, healing and shamanism, it is a technique to access the deeper subconscious information layered within and beneath the surface personality. When the body remains still and a continuous cyclic breathing is applied the resultant energy within the body stimulates the organism into automatic repair and what is released is the thought forms and ideas held within the subconscious mind. Sometimes even the birth experience itself is relived and why the technique is popularly known as Re-birthing.​

How it can help?

Revealing breathing is an ancient technique that reveals the hidden worlds of the human mind and one of the quickest methods to circumnavigate the devastating effects of stress on an individual, releasing them from a life time of learned negative responses.

David has been practicing shamanism and healing for over 30 years. The metaphysics behind our own lives and the objects of our desires are always entwined within the law of our own Karmic paths. There is no exception. Always a change of our own inner energies are necessary for that which is desired and ourselves to synchronize and thereby manifest.

This is the work of Re-birthing and one simple fact that true spiritual work and development is a non local event and affects the whole field of humanity.

What happens during a session?

You breathe! It’s that simple. You’re in control the whole time and with Davids guidance you breathe into your experiences, thoughts and feelings that lay dormant in your subconscious. You’ll simply relax into your own mind and describe what you are seeing, thinking and feeling. David will help you the entire way through and make sure you are comfortable and relaxed. After the session David will help you understand your experiences and answer questions.

This is a truly unique therapy.​

Check our testimonials page to see what others say about their experiences


Yogabeats - Om Yoga Show - Friday 18th October

October 18, 2024

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Yogabeats | About Yogabeats

Yogabeats™ has remained totally without rigid form or restrictions, experimental and spontaneous, just like jazz or any other free form art. It openly encourages the practitioner to deeply explore their own physical and psychological boundaries. What is understood within this practice will directly impact upon the individual’s perception of life itself.

The magic of Yogabeats™ can never be fully understood in any way other than in its participation, because then the lines between the idea and the experience dissolves into a mind blowing feast of all the senses

Yogabeats™ is more than just Yoga, it is pure fun, a practice driven by music and rhythms. Unapologetically sexy, empowering and provocative, leaving you higher than a kite and flying for the rest of the week.

Yogabeats™ is yoga with a difference. The yoga is an eclectic mix of styles designed to accommodate all levels of fitness and ability. Rather than using fixed postures. Yogabeats™ uses “micro-moves”. These are continuous movements which do not lock off the muscles or disrupt the blood flow and increase flexibility. These micro-moves originated with David observing how children were unable to hold fixed static postures, the conundrum that became apparent was who in fact was the teacher, and at this point David began to adopt and implement the shifting movements within his own practice with startling results and benefits, which are now supported by physiotherapists and body workers.

Yogabeats™ combines classic mobile yoga postures with the latest rhythmic and ambient world music. This involves a slow warm up section, the 1st half of the practice is designed to soften up the human ego, without austerity or force, but primarily by allowing, and fun, and asking the body itself for permission to “let go,” followed by a more intense second section, partner work and meditation.

Yogabeats™ engages all of your physical senses and provides a natural high and feelings of joy in the body. It creates tremendous vitality, balance and flexibility regardless of size, age or experience.

The Yogabeats ™High. While constant aerobic acitivities lower one’s immune system and stress the body – Yogabeats™ boosts the body’s homeostasis immensly benefiting blood pressure, pulses, physical and cerebral responses – way past the point that mere exercise requires or can achieve. Yogabeats evolved around the original agenda of Yoga; to create a natural “peak experience” or “high” in the body/mind continuum by clearing the stresses and tensions that accumulate, and which in turn returns the practitioner to a blissful equity and balance.

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